BOGOR (April 28, 2021) - Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, Robben Rico, accompanied by the Head of the Organization, Law and Public Relation (OHH) Division, Helmi Dt. R. Mulya gave directions, at the same time opened the activity of Drafting Law on Social Protection and Security Sector on Drafting Simplification of the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs on Social Protection for Disaster Victims in Bogor, Wednesday (28/4).
Robben asked the Minister of Social Affairs, numbering 13, to be simplified as efficiently as possible in order to facilitate the performance of officers while in the field. Two crucial things are his concern, namely related to the rules for providing compensation, which according to him, can be given in cash or non-cash according to conditions in the field.
In addition, Robben hopes that the regulation on data collection of beneficiaries by name by address (BNBA) should be carried out directly by the regions, and the data submitted to the center. This, Robben said, was to minimize the assistance that was not right on target.
Alif Mufida Ulya (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N