TANGERANG (August 24, 2019) - The Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs is collaborating with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Tangerang Child Special Development Institute (LPKA) on Jalan Daan Mogot No.29 C, Tangerang City.
This activity is one of the media that is used in order to fulfil the rights of children and continue the series of activities of the 2019 Day Together with Children (SBA) with the theme "Happy Children | Indonesia".
The expectation of SBA is that children learn to interpret life more positively regardless of whether they have experienced life difficulties or not through Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ). Children look happy and joyful receiving material and games from the motivators.
Kanya Eka Santi, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation said that the sub-themes in the current SBA activities are Life, Fun and Learning
"This means learning does not have to go through books or at school, but learning can be anywhere," explained Kanya.
Through SBA, it is hoped that all children can be happy, joyful and fill in the space of children's life that cannot be done by children and parents in everyday life.
"SBA is held every year by involving children, parents and various stakeholders," concluded Kanya.