LAMAKERA (September 4, 2019) – Representing the Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin attended to the meetings between the Ministry of Social Affairs’ officials with religion figure, traditional figure, youth figure, public figure, and social pillars in Lamakera, East Flores, Wednesday (04/09/2019).

In his speech representing the Social Affairs Minister, Pepen pointed out on the importance of synergy and build an effective partnership between all potential public social welfare, including social pillars.

Related to the activity, Pepen Nazaruddin stated that the intention of this activity was to watch and communicate directly with the public and social pillars in East Flores.

“The goal is to listen to people’s aspiration in improving the public’s life towards Indonesia’s welfare and strengthening the synergy from stakeholders, including legislative, government, local government, social welfare potential and sources, business and public in social welfare management,” Pepen explained.

Moreover, Lamakera was known for its harmonic and tolerance public life. It was a positive impact from social solidarity traditions which grew because of public’s strong initiative including the role from social pillars.

In that visit, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provided social assistance total of IDR110,000,000. The assistance was distributed to 300 orphans total of IDR30,000,000; 300 poor people total of IDR30,000,000, and productive economic business assistance to Karang Taruna Wakobutu total of IDR50,000,000.

“We hope that the social assistance which had been given to Lamakera people has benefit to the recipients,” Pepen added.

In the same opportunity, the leader of Commission VIII from the House of Representatives Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) Ali Taher stated that DPR RI with the government have been doing program intervention on purpose.

“Flores Timur Regency becomes the target because it is a coastal area. Another area which based on farming, plantation, fisheries, etc. The social assistance will be adjusted with the area’s situation and there will be evaluation,” Ali said.

Furthermore, the meeting between the Ministry of Social Affairs and many figures in Lamakera is the proof that the country has already presented to run the social welfare program.

So far, the government has done the duty of improving public social welfare which mandated in Law No.11/2009 on Social Welfare and Law No. 13/2011 on Poverty Handling.

“It can also be seen from continuously improvement of social assistance value in the last four years from IDR17 trillion to IDR62 trillion at this time. The country is present to provide service for public with the decrease of poverty indication,” said Ali Taher.

The Regent of Flores Timur Antonius Hubertus Gege Hadjon and his ranks, the representatives from social pillars and which consist of Social Welfare Potential and Sources (Community Social Worker/PSM, District Social Welfare Worker/TKSK, and Youth Organization/Karang Taruna, Social Organization/Orsos, Social Welfare Institution/LKS) and Business also attended in that event.

Public Relation Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia