The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to strive to improve community-based disaster mitigation through the formation of Disaster Preparedness Areas (KSB). KSB was formed in disaster-prone areas to increase preparedness and reduce the risk of disasters before disaster volunteers came to the affected locations.

After the formation of KSB in 759 locations in Indonesia, this time the Ministry of Social Affairs has designated four locations in South Malang Regency to be used as KSB in disaster-prone areas on the southern coast of Malang Regency. The four locations are Srigonco Village in Bantur District, Tumpakrejo Village in Gedangan District, Banjarejo Village in Donomulyo District and Purwodadi Village in Tirtoyudo District.

With the formation of the KSB, it is hoped that it can organize the potential of a trained community for disaster preparedness and increase the capacity of the community to be better prepared for disasters and all its risks, so that people living in disaster areas can be more alert and responsive with a spirit of mutual cooperation.