The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS), the Directorate General of Problem Protection and Security (Linjamsos) handed over the Presidential Basic Food Social Assistance for hotel employees affected by COVID-19 in Jakarta. The President's basic food assistance was handed over directly by the Dharma Wanita Advisor of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs who was also a member of the OASE Cabinet for Advanced Indonesia, Grace Batubara.

"We handed over 1,536 packages of assistance to the President in the form of basic necessities through the Bandung Tourism College Alumni Association (IKA STP) for hotel employees affected by Covid-19 in DKI Jakarta," said Grace accompanied by Sunarti, Director of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS); Chairman of IKA STP Bandung, Tonie Kadi at Ra Premiere Hotel Simatupang, South Jakarta, Thursday (15/10/20).

The event was also attended by members of the Dharma Wanita Association of the Indonesian Ministry of Problems Lili Pepen Nazaruddin; Uncle Suharto; Syifa Asep, Wasih Iskandar; as well as the Head of Organization of the IKA STPB Organization, Ipong Ady and the COO RA Premiere, Angkoso.

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