Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, in a press statement to the media, said that 16 public kitchens have been operating at 16 points in Cianjur, and there will be more in the future. This public kitchen is capable of providing more than 27,000 portions of food for evacuees. However, according to Risma, this amount is not enough considering the large demand for food and the limited availability of raw materials.
“For raw materials, such as chicken or eggs, it is limited. Because of that, we will build one (a public kitchen) at the Heroes Cemetery (TMPNU Kalibata). One more thing, at the "Pangudi Luhur" Integrated Center in Bekasi. Once it's ready, we will send it there in the form of side dishes, while we will cook the rice there," she said in front of the media crew who were present at the Ministry of Social Affairs Main Office, Jakarta, Friday (25/11).
Until now, the Ministry of Social Affairs is still continuing to establish public kitchens that supply food needs for evacuees at the post, as well as people who are self-evacuating.
Press Statement of the Minister of Social Affairs on the Latest Handling of the Cianjur Earthquake