Social Minister Tri Rismaharini accompanied the Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendi to distribute cash assistance at the Jebres Urban Village Office, Jebres District, Surakarta City. Three cash assistance namely Non-Cash Food Aid (BPNT) / Basic Food Program, Family Hope Program (PKH), and Cash Social Assistance. The visit was continued by witnessing the distribution process of the BPNT / Basic Food Program at the e-Warong KUBE Gulon in Kel. Jebres, Kec. Jebres, Surakarta City, Friday (29/01)

In Central Java Province, cash assistance is targeting KPMs spread across 35 districts / cities. The BPNT Food Card Program distributed a total of IDR 616.8 billion for 3,084,000 KPM. Meanwhile, PKH was distributed with a total value of Rp1.04 trillion for 1,568,211 KPM and Cash Social Assistance (BST) worth a total of IDR 359.3 billion for 1,197,789 KPM. In the city of Surakarta, three cash assistance was distributed to KPM spread across 5 sub-districts, namely the BPNT / Basic Food Program worth IDR 6.17 billion per month for 33,950 KPM; PKH total assistance of IDR 11.13 billion for 16,421 KPM; and BST total assistance of IDR 18.15 billion for 60,511 KPM.