KEDIRI (October 4th, 2019) - "I'm going home to Jakarta, ma'am, I want to meet my mother and sister who live in Jakarta," said one teenager, TS (14).He talked to the Head of “Mulya Jaya” Watunas Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSW) Jakarta Juena Sitepu with a happy face.TS is very happy. She ...
BANDUNG (October 4th, 2019) - Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) participated in increasing interest in reading for the younger generation. To realize this, the participation of Abiyoso as an institution for managing Braille Literacy owned by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilita...
GOWA (October 4th, 2019) - Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly Ministry of Social Affairs, Andi Hanindito, do a visit to "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) Gowa. Accompanied by Syam Wuryani as Head of the Center, Andi conducted a review and saw several ro...
TERNATE (October 5th, 2019) - KrikPal or Keripik Pala (Nutmeg Chips) is a snack produced by "Wasana Bahagia" BRSODHIV Ternate production installation. There are three variants of KrikPal flavors namely, cheese, roasted corn and barbecue. In the future, KrikPal will try to be marketed in a Terna...
BATURRADEN (October 5th, 2019) - “Satria” Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse(BRSKP) Baturraden carry out Professional Technical Guidance in the Field of Addiction - Psychosocial Assessment and Therapy.The activity was carried out in the "Satria" BRSKPN Baturraden hall, O...
JAKARTA (October 3, 2019) - As part of the social rehabilitation process, the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Deaf Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSRW) "Melati" Jakarta held an Entrepreneurship Workshop for Beneficiaries of Class II of 2019. This activity was opened directly by Pujiyanto as...
YOGYAKARTA (October 3, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto gave direction on the synchronization of Progress 5.0 NP activities through the Consolidation of the Rapid Reaction Team (TRC) with Related Agencies in 2019.According to Edi Suharto, the contribution of TRC to socia...
BOGOR (October 4, 2019) - Head of the Ciungwanara Intellectual Disability (BRSPDI) Bogor Rehabilitation Center in Bogor, Esa Sumantri opened the Inclusive Youth Leadership Training Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) in the BRSPDI Ciungwanara Hall in Bogor. This activity was carried out in the contex...
JAKARTA (October 3, 2019) - Jakarta's Mulya Jaya Ex-Women's Tuna Susila (BRS Watunas) Social Rehabilitation Center received a working visit from the National Narcotics Rehabilitation Center (BNN) Lido, Bogor. This activity aims to educate the BNN program on prevention and handling drug abuse to serv...
YOGYAKARTA (October 3, 2019) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto, gave a briefing in the Human Capacity Building for the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) "Budi Perkasa" Palembang at Pesonna Hotel Malioboro Yogyakarta which was held...
WONOSOBO (October 3, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Margo Laras" Pati held the Supervision and Monitoring of the 4th phase of Community-Based Social Rehabilitation activities at the Dzikrul Ghofilin Wonosobo Social Welfare Center on October 2-3...
SURAKARTA (October 3, 2019) - Central for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta held employee training on Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) of the 5 Platform New Social Rehabilitation Program (Progress PD 5.0 New Platform).Before t...
PATI (October 3, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Margo Laras" Pati in cooperation with the Social Service of Pati Regency provides independence to 20 Beneficiaries (PM) Balai. Provision of independence is delivered through screen printing training h...
BENGKULU (October 3, 2019) - Beneficiary (PM) of the "Dharma Guna" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) Bengkulu needs to secure entrepreneurship through Work Learning Practices (PBK) in the business as one of a series of advanced social rehabilitation services t...
WONOGIRI (October 3rd, 2019) Surakarta Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” is holding outreach activity for Family-Based Social Rehabilitation in Pracimantoro District, Wonogiri Regency. Intervention activities started with mapping...
CIBUBUR (October 3rd, 2019) – Social rehabilitation program for the victims of drug abuses at “Galih Pakuan” Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) Bogor conducted through integrated therapy. One of the therapies implemented is psychosocial therapy. This therapy carr...
TERNATE (October 4, 2019) - “Wasana Bahagia” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODHIV) Ternate, organized a farewell Head of Subdivision of Administration, Agung Santoso as of September 23rd, 2019, served at BRS Watunas "Mulya Jaya'" Jakarta as Head ...
JAKARTA (October 4th, 2019) – Head of Watunas "Mulya Jaya" Social Rehabilitation Center, Juena SItepu receives Referral of Human Trafficking Victims from Republic of Indonesia National Police Criminal Detective Agency. There are seven women victims and will receive further social rehabilitation ...
MEDAN (October 3rd, 2019) - “Bahagia” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) Medan participates in the use of demographic bonuses which are predicted to have a population of productive age (15-64 years) greater than population of unproductive age (...
MAKASSAR (October 3, 2019) - Director General for Poor Management Andi ZA Dulung gave direction in the Coordination Meeting (Coordination Meeting) Distribution of Non-Cashing Food Assistance (BPNT) with Human Resources (HR) in South Sulawesi. He said that in September 2019 all regions in Indonesia i...
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