PEKALONGAN (July 27, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini accompanied by the Mayor of Pekalongan, Achmad Afzan Arslan Djunaid, directly inspected the distribution of Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Food Cash Assistance (BPNT) and Cash Social Assistance (BST) program to Beneficiary Houses in Panjang Wetan Village, North Pekalongan District, Tuesday (27/7) .
This visit was conducted to directly monitor the process of distributing aid to Beneficiaries. To each Family Beneficiaries (KPM) found in two different locations, the Minister of Social Affairs checked the suitability of the assistance, both in terms of quantity, quality of goods, accuracy of targets, and aspects of fulfilling KPM rights.
Minister of Social Affairs Checks the Distribution of Social Assistance for PKH, BPNT and BST in Pekalongan
Rahandika Prawiro (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N