MAKASSAR (30 October 2019) - The “Wirajaya” Makassar Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) invited 32 Persons with Physical Disabilities (PDF) domiciled in Makassar to become successful entrepreneurs. The invitation to become an entrepreneur is packaged in the form of intervention activities for social rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities. Those who were invited were PDFs who already had business embryos.

This intervention activity was carried out for four days, from Wednesday 30 October to 2 November 2019 at the Hotel Denpasar, Makassar. "So for four days, 32 participants will be provided with various materials, both from the Social Service, the Industry and Trade Service, and the Makassar City UMKMK Office," said the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, Muh.Yakub as the person in charge of the activity when submitting a report on the implementation of the activity at the opening ceremony.

Meanwhile, the Head of BRSPDF "Wirajaya" Makassar, Syaiful Samad, in his speech emphasized that this activity was a social rehabilitation program implemented outside the hall. "For social rehabilitation activities outside the hall which are implemented in Makassar City, hopefully they will become a pilot project," said Syaiful. In the 2019 Fiscal year there are five districts / cities that are the target of the same activities carried out by BRSPDF “Wirajaya” Makassar, including North Luwu Regency, Gowa, Jeneponto and Makassar city, South Sulawesi and Ambon City.

In this intervention activity, business stimulant assistance worth 2.5 million rupiah per person will be distributed to 32 PDFs. "Hopefully this assistance can be the embryo to encourage business independence for our brothers and sisters, especially for people with disabilities in Makassar City," hoped Syaiful.