In order to improve preparedness and minimize casualties when a disaster occurs, including the prevention of transmission of COVID-19, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs has activated the role of Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) in various remote areas.

Since 2010, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has also launched Disaster Preparedness Villages (KSB), which currently has been formed in 772 locations throughout Indonesia. The KSB activation in Pangandaran involved 120 participants from community elements who were given socialization and technical guidance on disasters. This time, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs has added to the activation of 2 disaster prepared villages in Pangandaran Regency, West Java, namely in Parigi District and Sidamulih District. With the KSB activation, it is hoped that the community will respond to natural disasters as well as non-natural disasters such as the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in their area.

#KemensosHADIR # KSBLawanCovid19
Video by @LinjamsosOke