Peringati HUT RI Ke-76, Kemensos Gelar Perlombaan Ajak Masyarakat Tetap Semangat dan Bahagia 09/08/2021
9 The House of Prospective Recipients of the Social Rehabiitation of Rutilahu as the Impact of the Mandolang Tidal Wave Disaster is Reviewed for its Feasibility 09/08/2021 MINAHASA (August 7, 2021) - In the context of handling the impact of the tidal wave disaster in Mandolang Dis... More Details
3 MoSA Conducts ATENSI Program Assessment for Persons with Mental Disabilities in Banten Province 08/08/2021 SERANG (August 8, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Phala Martha” ... More Details