SERANG (August 8, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Phala Martha” Sukabumi deployed an assessment team to visit 4 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) working partners in the Banten Province in the context of implementing Community-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services/LKS 2021.


The Head of Sub-Division for Administration at Phala Martha, Sarmauli Tamba said that from August 4 to 8, 2021 the team conducted an assessment at LKS Hikmah Syahadah, Tangerang Regency, LKS Nurrohman, Serang City, LKS Dhira Suman Tritoha, Serang Regency and LKS Bani Syifa, Serang Regency.


"The assessment is carried out to identify the needs of beneficiaries with mental disabilities in LKS," he added.


The Social Worker Functional Coordinator, Kusman added that this community-based ATENSI service will be provided based on the results of an assessment of the needs and potential beneficiaries.


"This service is also expected not only to fulfill the needs of a decent life but can be the first step towards empowerment towards the productivity of the beneficiaries," he added.


The presence of Phala Martha Team was warmly welcomed by the Chairpersons and LKS administrators. The head of the LKS Bani Syifa, KH. Syahrudin expressed his gratitude that this community ATENSI service was something that LKS had been waiting for all this time.


The head of LKS Nururrohman, H. Sugianto also added that there was a lot of good hope with the ATENSI service through Phala Martha.


"Hopefully this service can be useful for the beneficiaries for their independence," he added.


On this occasion, the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) for Phala Martha's ATENSI Service Partnership with LKS.


Furthermore, the Team assisted in filling out instruments to LKS administrators and collaborated and jointly conducted an assessment of the beneficiaries.


The assessment was carried out on 143 Beneficiaries, consisting of 16 people from LKS Hikmah Syahadah, 10 people from LKS Nururrohman, 12 people from LKS Dhira Suman Tritoha, and 105 people from LKS Bani Syifa.

Kusman said that apart from this number, there were still beneficiaries in LKS, who were constrained by the identity of population data.

"There is a need for synergy and joint commitment between the Center, Social Service, and the Population and Civil Registry Office to facilitate population rights for Persons with Mental Disabilities," he concluded.