Social problems are problems that arise in the life of society, nation and state. Social problems are also a phenomenon that has various dimensions. Because there are so many dimensions contained in it, this has become a problem that has been going on for a long time but until now there has not been a formulation of the definition of social problems that has been agreed upon by various parties. As a social phenomenon, the problem of homeless people (bums and beggars) has long been present in our society. Formally the government has taken a clear stance on flattened social problems. In addition, various private institutions have assisted the government's efforts in tackling this problem, but the reality shows that there are still many people around us who for various reasons live as slums.

Bums and beggars are acute social problems. Both become social problems both in big cities and in small towns. Poverty is the main cause of the emergence of bums and beggars which have not been successfully resolved to the roots. Various fundamental variables that influence the increase in the number of bums and beggars in urban areas such as poverty, urbanization explosion due to inequality in urban and rural development, low quality of human resources, unskilled labor force, limited absorption of the workforce in the formal sector, high dropout rates at the elementary school level, and a low work ethic, have not been successfully addressed. So that bums and beggars continue to increase and become a social phenomenon of poverty.

In Indonesia, the number of bums and beggars in big cities is a social phenomenon caused by complex factors. The most dominant factor is the economy as a direct effect and limited job opportunities in the city and the low level of Human Resources (HR). If studied in depth, the spread of bums and beggars can come from two factors, namely: subjective factors (internal) and objective factors (external). Subjective factors are closely related to character or personality and low Human Resources (HR). Personality characters, among others, are related to resignation to fate, indifference and lack of care for the environment. While objective factors are factors that affect the life of a person who is forced to become a bum and beggar. On the other hand, many people set bums and beggars as a profession because it is easy to get material without any effort. In fact, this is an obstacle for the government in social development.

Overcoming the problem of bums and beggars is the responsibility of the state. Article 34 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution mandates that "the poor and neglected children are looked after by the state". Meanwhile, Article 34 paragraph 2 emphasizes "the state develops a social security system for all people and empowers the weak and incapable in accordance with human dignity". Based on article 34 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 6 of 1974 concerning the Basic Provisions of Social Welfare, Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1980 concerning Combating Bums and Beggars in the consideration section states: a) that the bums and beggars are not in accordance with the norms of life of the Indonesian nation are based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, therefore it is necessary to carry out efforts to overcome them, b) that these prevention efforts, in addition to efforts to prevent the emergence of bums and beggars, also aim to provide rehabilitation to bums and beggars so that they are able to achieve a standard of living, and a decent living as a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia.

As a concrete manifestation in handling these social problems, empowerment of bums and beggars can be carried out, one of which is by coaching and providing skills. The coaching and provision of skills carried out by social counselors to bums and beggars in Bengkulu City is only non-home care. This empowerment activity is intended to eliminate the problems of bums and beggars in the life and social livelihood of the bums and beggars who are filled with a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, social responsibility as well as the willingness and ability to carry out their social functions in the life and livelihood of the community.

The objectives of the empowerment activities for bums and beggars are as follows:
a) Treat the bums and beggars along with their families and social environment as subjects and the central point of efforts to tackle social tuna
b) Improving the protection and maintenance of social welfare for the bums and beggars along with their families and their social environment so that they can still have the same opportunities and opportunities to develop businesses in order to increase their income
c) Improving the quality of human resources for bums and beggars and their families by increasing knowledge, attitudes, behavior, work skills or business skills according to their abilities so that they can run their lives independently.

Coaching and providing skills is one of the things that is needed and used as a strategy used to overcome the existing bums and beggar problems. The implementation of coaching and providing skills is something that needs to be considered, especially for all parties involved so that coaching and providing skills can run effectively and achieve results in accordance with the goals and objectives expected to overcome the problems of bums and beggars. A social educator can participate in dealing with the social problems of bums and beggars by educating and providing information regarding various materials deemed necessary to help bums and beggars get out of their problems, which include mental guidance, social guidance and skills guidance. The provision of skills provided by social extension workers aims to help flattened people develop their talents and interests as well as grow their ability to master certain skill areas, which can be used to help themselves, their environment and their families.

By coaching and providing skills to the bums and beggars, this activity can be used as a way out for them to be free from the snares of weakness and laziness. Although we know that overcoming the social problems of bums and beggars requires careful planning, involving cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary, and determination from all parties. But at least the provision of skills accompanied by constructive education can be a bridge for them to be able to get through this street life and cross to a better life and livelihood. This is an effort to alleviate social problems with various sustainable empowerment efforts.