Social Affairs Minister Refers Beneficiaries in Need of Further Treatment

Social Affairs Minister Refers Beneficiaries in Need of Further Treatment
Writer :
Dian Catur Prasetyaningtyas Kurniawati
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

PARIGI MOUTONG (5 March 2024) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini monitored the condition of 186 Sausu sub-district residents who attended the Ministry of Social Affairs Social Services' free health checkup and ATENSI aid distribution in Sausu District, Parigi Moutong. On the occasion, the Minister discovered numerous inhabitants suffering from cataracts, as well as a large number of children with cerebral palsy. The Minister, who had no prior knowledge of this, promptly organized her staff and numerous relevant parties to ensure that residents received additional treatment.

"It's unexpected. I merely wanted to check on the progress of the integrated Welfare House, but it was already complete. So now we will address the cataract issue, and we will try to schedule cataract surgery in Palu before fasting," stated Social Affairs Minister Risma.

A total of 186 people from nine villages in Sausu District had come to get checked up and receive assistance. Of this total, 158 are elderly, 6 are disabled, and 22 are child recipients.

Minister Risma's keen eye was drawn to the elderly's vision problems among the many attendees. Many of them look to have cataracts. Minister Risma then immediately appealed to them to be willing to have cataract surgery. Minister Risma will assist with accommodation costs, so people would not have to spend a dime.

"If there is a risk of cataracts, especially if there are many of them, we will perform cataract surgeries in Palu. Then, ladies and gentlemen, you won't have to look for accommodation. You can stay at our centers, we will all pay for it," said the Minister of Social Affairs in response to the elderly's concerns about the costs of surgery and accommodation.

Apart from cataracts, the Minister also paid attention to the large number of cerebral palsy sufferers in the area. Aside from providing wheelchairs to children with cerebral palsy, the Minister also offered to carry out routine therapy for them.

"If there are many, then we will send therapists. I will help with the equipment. Later, we will bring therapists here; there are therapists in Palu. This must be treated constantly to prevent the illness from worsening," said the Minister.

The Minister also offered to refer Nazril (6) to Solo. She sensed Nazril's capacity to move properly and convinced his grandma to take him to Solo.

"I’m afraid I’ll be lost in Solo, ma'am," replied Minah, Nazril's grandmother, at which the Minister laughed.

In this social service, Sentra Nipotowe Palu handed over assistance in the form of 100 basic food packages, 3 wheelchairs, 3 cerebral palsy chairs, 3 crutches, 3 walking sticks, 40 hearing aids, and 20 adaptive canes. Pangurangi Center, Wirajaya Center, Gau Mabaji Center, Banjarmasin Social Welfare Training and Education Center (BBPPKS), and BBPPKS Makassar also provided a total of 800 basic food packages. Meanwhile, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities handed over some assistance including 3 wheelchairs, 2 Grita (Bracelets for Persons with Intellectual Disability), and 2 Gruwi (Bracelets for Persons with Hearing and Speech Disabilities). Meanwhile, the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation handed over 22 nutritional packages and children's toys.

Not only did the Ministry of Social Affairs give goods, but it also mobilized health teams and coordinated with local hospitals to provide care to individuals who required additional hospitalization.

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