Celebrating 51st Korpri Anniversary, Ministry of Social Affairs Invites Employees to Share and Care through Blood Donation

Celebrating 51st Korpri Anniversary, Ministry of Social Affairs Invites Employees to Share and Care through Blood Donation
Writer :
Alif Mufida Ulya
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

BEKASI (27 October 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs through the Secretariat of the Indonesian Civil Service Corps (Korpri) invites 100 employees within the Ministry of Social Affairs to share and care for others through blood donation. Through this activity, it is hoped that it will educate the public that blood donation activities are safe because they are held in accordance with health protocols.

“This blood donation activity carries a message of sharing and caring. We know that there are many people who need a certain blood type. But sometimes, it is very difficult to find it," said the Secretary of Korpri Ministry of Social Affairs Juena Sitepu while supervising the implementation of blood donation at the "Pangudi Luhur" Integrated Center in Bekasi, Wednesday (26/10).

Juena hopes that this activity will also help the Indonesian Red Cross or Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) increase blood stocks. Because during the pandemic the blood stock decreases, in the midst of high community needs.

"With the participation of these people, we hope it can be an opportunity to share and care for people in need," she said.

Juena expressed her hope that in the future this activity can be carried out routinely because to donate blood requires public willingness and awareness.

Korpri is an association of civil servants throughout Indonesia. In the Ministry of Social Affairs itself, Korpri becomes the home or forum for civil servant associations within the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Approaching its 51st anniversary on November 29, 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs participates in organizing various activities, including blood donation, which was first held on Wednesday (26/10).

Juena reminds, something that seems small can mean big to other people. “Perhaps, what our friends give us through this blood donation is a small thing. But, in our opinion, this can mean a lot to people in need,” she added.

In collaboration with PMI Bekasi City, the target of blood donors set by the Ministry of Social Affairs is 100 people consisting of elements from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Centers, and their families. “Our target is 100 people, although there are actually more than 100 people who register. But, we hope, at least, we can get at least 100,“ she said.

Meanwhile, through the statement of the Public Relations of PMI Bekasi City Blood Donor Service, Ayu Mekar Sari, the blood donation action initiated and carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs on Wednesday (26/10), became a good opportunity for PMI to increase the availability of blood bags that had been running low recently.

“We, from PMI, are very grateful for the special invitation from the Ministry of Social Affairs. When else do you hold a blood donation with many donors willing to be involved? This is to increase our blood stock as well. PMI's blood stock is starting to run low again, especially for certain blood types. We are confused about where else to look over it," she said.

She admitted, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many donors were worried about donating their blood. “There are still many donors who are afraid of several things, such as whether the equipment is sterile, whether or not the staff has swab or not, and so on. The staff has an antigen swab every two weeks. So, from us, PMI has all followed the health protocols," said the veiled woman.

Through this activity, her party hopes that this blood donor action will be carried out regularly because to donate blood requires public willingness and awareness.

“Because blood donation must start from one's consciousness. We can't force them to come to PMI, donate blood. For that, I hope this kind of activity can be carried out routinely, at least twice a year," She said.

Ayu then asked the public not to be afraid to go to PMI to donate blood for those in need.

"Come on, friends, this blood donation is very useful for ourselves and others, because a drop of your blood means a lot to those in need," he said.

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