Commission VIII Appreciates MoSA Quick Step to Deal with Disasters

Commission VIII Appreciates MoSA Quick Step to Deal with Disasters
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (January 14, 2020) - Starting the 2nd Trial Period for the 2019-2020 Session Commission VIII DPR RI immediately held a joint working meeting with the Minister of Social Affairs (MoSA) and the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).


The meeting discussed the handling and management of disasters that have recently occurred, especially in Jabodetabek and Banten, as well as the follow-up to disaster management that occurred in other regions.


The working meeting was led by Head of Commission VIII Yandri Susanto, attended by all Deputy Chairmen of the Commission and most members. The meeting ran dynamically with many responses to questions, input, and appreciation for disaster management measures undertaken by the Ministry of Social Affairs.


They all mostly highlights the broad spectrum and parties involved in disaster management. So even though the Ministry of Social Affairs and BNPB have worked optimally, in general, the impact of disasters is still quite extensive.


"I am delighted, the board members expressed appreciation for the work of the Ministry of Social Affairs. However, the council reminded us to continue to increase vigilance. With our resources, the council asks us to remain alert to the possibility of catastrophic escalation in line with continued high rainfall in the future, "said Juliari.


So far, the MoSA has carried out a number of post-disaster anticipation measures. "We immediately coordinated with the Social Service Agency and mobilized Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) in flood-affected areas then observing the current situation," he said.


The deployment of Tagana and the Disaster Preparedness Village (KSB) team aims to collect victim’s data, evacuate victims to safe places, especially to vulnerable groups consisting of the elderly, children, people with disabilities, and other special groups.


"Then also do the distribution of logistics to meet the basic needs of victims of natural disasters. We have stocks in the Warehouses of Ministry of Social Affairs' and DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten Provinces, "said the Minister.


The Ministry of Social Affairs also conducts public field kitchen and psychosocial support services to meet the basic needs of survivors who are in refugee camps.


Juliari also appreciated that the attention of board member who were concerned about the limitations of the disaster budget.


"Indeed, our disaster budget is not much which is Rp270 billion. But we do not work by looking at budget constraints. With the existing budget we try to optimize. Of course, if there is attention from the board members, to increase the budget, we really appreciate it, "said the Minister.


To the council member, the Minister said, the budget in the Directorate of Natural Disasters amounting to Rp270 billion was almost half for Disaster Preparedness Cadets’s (Tagana) compassion. "The number of our Tagana personnel is around 40,000. If the value of the compassion is around IDR 50,000 for just half the members, it is already IDR 1 billion, "he said. Not to mention the provision of disaster logistics.


Juliari also mentioned the existence of the Disaster Management Main Post at the Cawang Kencana Building, East Jakarta. According to the Minister, the establishment of this post was to increase the effectiveness of aid distribution, particularly logistical assistance to the affected communities.


"In addition to logistics, the post also provides a variety services for the affected community," said the Minister. The services referred to are Psychosocial Support Services (LDP), field kitchen galley cars, motorbikes, aid transport trucks, coordination centres, media centres, disabled services, free washing, and so on.


This post is a center of command, communication and logistics warehouse. "This post is also a form of synergy of all elements in the Ministry of Social Affairs, and cooperation with all elements of the community. From the community and business world, we have sent various assistance to be distributed to the affected areas," said the Minister.


Synergy with the community, is one of the Ministry of Social's choices to improve the effectiveness of disaster management.


Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs
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