MoSA Invited Children with Disability to Watch Movie in Cimahi

MoSA Invited Children with Disability to Watch Movie in Cimahi
Writer :
Rizka Surya Ananda
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

Cimahi (29 March 2024) – Some children with disability attended watching a movie together at Sentra Abiyoso Ministry of Social Affairs in Cimahi. Besides, they were also given a shopping voucher to spend at the Ramadhan bazaar in front of the Sentra Abiyoso Office. Interestingly, the sellers are the beneficiaries of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) and Family Hope Program (PKH) who have received entrepreneurship training.

One of the participants, Hana Dinda Fadilah (15th) said that she was enthusiastic about joining the event. “I’m very happy watched Coco,” she said while met at Sentra Abiyoso, on Friday (29/3).

The 8th grade student of Special School (SLB) BC Aras Cimahi was even happier because after watching the movie, she was given vouchers for shopping to buy some meals at the Ramadhan Bazaar. "I got six vouchers. All of them have been spent to buy cheese sticks, cireng, and fruit salad," she said.

In line with Hana, the SLB teacher who accompanied her also saw the enthusiasm of the children in this activity. One of them was the teacher of SLB Negeri A Citeurep Cimahi, Maitsa Ibtisama. According to her, the children were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity. “Alhamdulillah, they are excited. The children are all happy," she said.

Met on the same occasion, Head of Sentra Abiyoso Rinto Indratmoko said that the screening activity with children with disabilities was held in one day. Previously, the participants were children from Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA).

"There are 5 LKSA and SLB that we invited. We asked each of them to send 30 children," he said.

Rinto said the watching together activity took place on 21 to 28 March, 2024. He said that the movie that was screened adjusted with the age of the child and also has a moral message in it. "There are movies like Sherina's Adventure, Laskar Pelangi. There is also Bilal bin Rabbah movie and other movies that can be enjoyed by children," he said.

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