PALEMBANG (23 November 2019) - The Director General of Poverty Handling (Dirjen PFM), Andi ZA Dulung officially closed the activities of the Central and Regional Reporting Coordination Meeting II in the Directorate General of Poverty Handling 2019 with the theme "Optimizing Coordination and Central Reporting Work Synergy and Regions for Achievement of Quality PFM Program Performance ”held in Palembang city. The Coordination Meeting activity was a follow-up to the Central and Regional Reporting Coordination Meeting held in Yogyakarta on September 4-7 2019.

In his direction, the Director General of PFM emphasized that with the increasing budget for social assistance at the Directorate General of PFM, of course it must be accompanied by better performance reporting. Optimization using information systems and technology that are getting better needs to be improved in order to produce timely and accountable performance reports. "Alhamdulillah, the value of our performance reports, which in the previous year BB, this year has increased to A. We can achieve the highest AA target," explained the Director General of PFM in the Central and Regional Reporting Coordination Meeting II at a hotel in Palembang City (22/11).

There are five important applications that must be guarded against in reporting, namely e-Monev of Bappenas, SMART of the Ministry of Finance, e-Performance of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Monev KSP, and e-SAKIP Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms. These applications become formulations and corrective constellations of planning, implementation, monitoring, realization and evaluation work. The best province in reporting based on the application was South Sulawesi Province as the fifth best, West Kalimantan ranked fourth, Central Kalimantan third, then West Sumatra second, and West Java Province first.

The Director General of Poverty Handling explained that central and regional reporting coordination is an important and very strategic form to guard synchronization and harmonization between the central and local governments from the planning level to program evaluation and budget. "Because of the good performance reporting system, we at the center can quickly make a report to the Ministry of RB," said the Director General of Poverty Handling.

In addition, he also conveyed that the reporting system is a forum for monitoring program operations, but the final output is of course social welfare for the community. "The more targeted the social assistance we provide, the more welfare it will provide for the community," said the Director General of Poverty Handling.

This is evident from a survey conducted by BPS. "So far, the poverty rate has decreased by 500,000 people per 6 months, this is good enough, but achieving a poverty rate of 6.5% -7% in 2024 is not easy," explained the Director General of PFM.

According to him, to achieve this target, the work program must be more creative. In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs so that the empowerment program continues to be highlighted. "For this reason, the regional social services in order to propose a Joint Business Group (KUBE) do not just point but choose KPM that is ready to do entrepreneurship and KPM that is ready to be independent," said the Director General of PFM.