BALI (28 November 2019) - To build effective communication with local governments, the Finance Department of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling held a Financial Implementation Coordination Meeting of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling in increasing transparency and accountability of financial management, since 26 November.

The activity which was closed today (28/11) by the Director General of Poverty Handling Andi ZA Dulung conveyed things related to increasing transparency and accountability in financial management by implementing strategies for accelerating poverty reduction at macro and micro levels. Macro here encourages inclusive economic growth, maintains the investment climate, regulates trade, boosts agricultural productivity & develops infrastructure in disadvantaged areas. Inclusive economic growth as a strategy to increase equity so as to reduce poverty.

Whereas micro intends to reduce the burden of basic services and increase the income of beneficiary families, what the Directorate General of Poverty Handling is doing is through the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program which provides social assistance of 110 thousand / family every month and conducts community empowerment through Joint Business Groups (KUBE). ), Social Rehabilitation of Unfit for Living Houses (RS-RTLH) & Environmental Infrastructure (Sarling) which work on the mechanism of mutual cooperation.

The Director General of PFM also said that "the Minister of Social Affairs instructed him to prioritize establishing the Electronic Mutual Cooperation (E-Warong) KUBE, especially in areas where the number of KUBE E-Warong is still small. Because the establishment of E-Warong KUBE is one form of the Ministry of Social Affairs' efforts to empower beneficiary families to move out of poverty. Regarding supplier problems that often occur in the regions, the Ministry of Social Affairs will immediately complete the making of the Minister of Social Affairs which regulates suppliers," he said in front of thirty-four Provincial Social Heads at a hotel in Legian, Bali.

At the end of the event he reminded again that there was still a quota of two million KPM which must be the attention of each social agency, so that any process of proposing replacing KPM or KPM that had not taken a Prosperous Family Card (KKS) to the State Bank Association (Himbara), would be acted upon. continue immediately. Because in other positions, many of the Social Service Offices have asked for additional quotas for food social assistance recipients.