BALI (October 15th, 2019) – The Directorate of Poverty Handling for Region II organizes the Capacity Building Activities of Regional Government Apparatus in handling the Poor, attended by the Head of Provincial Social Service in Region II, Head of Regency / City Regional Social Services in Region II in Bali.

In his briefing, the Director General of Poverty Handling (Dirjen PFM), Andi ZA Dulung stated that the purpose of this activity was to increase the acceleration of the implementation of activities in handling the poor through social assistance Joint Business Groups (KUBE), Social Rehabilitation for Non-Occupiable House (RS-RUTILAHU) ) and Environmental Infrastructure Facilities (Sarling) in PFM region II.

"In order to reduce poverty and take the target of community empowerment, it is hoped that the programs proposed and proposed from the local community will be more qualified," Andi said.

Andi said that one of the programs from the Ministry of Social Affairs was KUBE which aims to empower the poor, which in its implementation of this KUBE social assistance, will continue to be evaluated and improved.

"We have also conducted research to find ways and formulas for KUBE to become a form of business in the context of social empowerment. For KUBE, it depends on you to filter who the KPM will receive it and must be careful in choosing it because it is feared that the business will not run or there will be no results, so please give the best suggestion," said Andi.

Then for the RS-Rutilahu program where we choose the right people to receive it. Rutilahu is different from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), in the Ministry of PUPR the output is house and the outcome for housing construction in slums, while in the Ministry of Social Affairs the output is house and the outcome is community empowerment by build a house in mutual cooperation.

Beside KUBE and RS-Rutilahu, Andi also explained the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) regarding the plan to raise the value of BPNT to 150,000 rupiah per month for each KPM in 2020. Therefore, it is expected that the regional government apparatus and facilitator to always update data in the field.

"Because the main key of BPNT is data, so the data to be obtained for BPNT distribution is accurate," Andi added.