SUKABUMI (23 September 2021) - Located at the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPD) "Phala Martha" and the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS "Kahuripan" Sukabumi West Java, Social Counseling Center carried out Social Guidance activities for Community Social Counselors (Pensosmas), which was attended by 70 participants.


The activity was opened by Syahabuddin, Head of the Educational Research and Social Counseling Agency (BP3S) via online. In his speech, it was said that Pensosmas, which served as an agent of change, should bridge the gap between the Government, in this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the community to create a Social Resilience Village. Therefore, Pensosmas capacity continues to be matured, one of which is through Social Guidance activities.


Furthermore, Syahabuddin hopes that, through IEC, Pensosmas can carry out intensive communication, provide the right information, and be able to change people's behavior, so that they have strong resilience in increasing their potential and solving social problems independently.


On this occasion to provide reinforcement, there were speakers from the Social Service of West Java Province, the Social Service of Sukabumi Regency, and a Practitioner who was an activist in the field of Social Welfare.


At the end of the event, Wiwid Widiansyah as the Head of Puspensos advised that Pensosmas should always be active in working in the community, increasing synergy with the potential of other Social Welfare HR, such as PKH Facilitators, Tagana, TKSK, to accelerate the creation of social welfare in the community. No matter how small our role, God willing, it will be useful for the community, and don't forget to carry out tasks with the intention of worship.