BANDUNG (2 June 2021) - In
order to strengthen the function and task of supervising the implementation of
programs and activities within the Bandung Poltekesos, the Internal Supervisory
Unit (SPI) organized the activity of Preparation of Operational Standards for
Activities (SOP). The preparation of this SOP consists of 4 (four) guidelines
related to human resources (HR), financial reporting, procurement of goods and
services and state property assets (BMN).
Head of SPI, Meiti Subardhini,
said that this activity aims to create a university government to
improve SPI strengthening strategies and provide understanding to each activity
implementer regarding the audit mechanism in the Bandung Poltekesos environment.
This also received support
from Deputy Director II, Wawan Heryana, representing the Director of
Poltekesos, when opening the implementation of the activity. "The SOP that
will be prepared will be the basis for carrying out activities. SPI makes signs
so that in the future the implementation of all activities at Poltekesos will
be better and can be accounted for during examinations," said Wawan.
The SOP preparation activity
was carried out for two days on May 31 and June 2, 2021, at the Papandayan Hotel,
Bandung and was attended by 25 Heads of the Activity Implementation Unit (UPK)
or their representatives. In its implementation, participants received material
on the draft of the SOP preparation that was adapted to the function of the SPI
from the resource person, Wonny Ahmad Ridwan, a Human Resources Expert at the
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).
Resource persons are experts
who have experience in building, pioneering, and providing technical guidance to
build SPI in all universities in Indonesia. Especially for Poltekesos itself,
resource persons have also provided input on how to prepare guidelines and
directions from the Poltekesos SPI.
Based on the material obtained
from the resource persons, representatives of each UPK were then divided into
four groups and received a division of tasks. Each group then conducts
discussions and formulates the steps or substance of procedures and mechanisms
for preparing audit guidelines related to HR, finance, procurement of goods and
services, and BMN assets. The results of the preparation of the four guidelines
will later be synchronized by the SPI Secretariat with the completion target
for the next week