JAKARTA (22 March 2021) - In order to support the government's priority program to reduce stunting rates in Indonesia, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Education, Research and Social Counseling Agency (Badiklitpensos) in collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation will prepare Social Welfare HR to participate in the prevention and management of stunting. . The Social Welfare HR will provide training on prevention and handling of stunting.

To prepare the training teaching staff / facilitators, the Social Welfare Training and Education Center (Pusdiklat Kesos) holds a Training of Trainers (TOT). TOT activity batch 1 participants from widyaiswara Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS) Regional I to VI and batch 2 came from regional coordinators (korwil), district coordinators (korkab) and widyaiswara BPSDM Province as well as widyaiswara UPTD. TOT activities will be carried out online with Asynchronous and Synchronous learning stages.

This activity was officially opened by the Head of Badiklitpensos, Mr. Syahabuddin on Monday 22 March 2021. In relation to the Head of Badiklitpensos said "so that TOT participants can transform the knowledge gained during the TOT to Social Welfare to become a facilitator so that Indonesian families and people provide support for the prevention and handling of stunting" .

The opening of the TOT was held through a zoom application which was attended by TOT participants, the committee team, teachers, the Head of the Social Welfare Education and Training Center, Mr. Mulia Jonie, who submitted a report on the implementation. In addition, there was also the Head of ECED Tanoto Foundation, Mr. Eddy Henry, who thanked the Ministry of Social Affairs, Badiklitpensos and the Social Welfare Education and Training Center for working hard in making modules and preparing TOT and saying "Happy training and ready to train TOT participants".