"Yesterday (in 2021) we achieved WTP, now we are targeting WTP again," she said when chairing a limited leadership meeting at the Ministry of Social Affairs Office, Jalan Salemba 28, Wednesday (11/1).
To her staff, the Minister asked to immediately complete the data and prepare all documents related to the examination.
Wednesday morning, the Minister of Social Affairs attended the Entry Meeting for the Examination of Financial Statements of Ministries / Institutions in 2022 within the Main Auditorate of State Finance (AKN) III at the 2nd Floor Auditorium of the BPK RI Tower Building. The former Mayor of Surabaya directly received the Audit Task Letter submitted by Member III of BPK RI Prof. Dr. Achsanul Qosasi, CSFA, CFrA.
Entry meeting is a form of communication that aims to establish initial communication between BPK as an examiner with ministries and institutions to realize a common perception of the process and implementation of the examination. Examination of LKKL Fiscal Year 2022, especially in the AKN III environment, is carried out on 34 K / L and 4 financial reports on foreign loans and grants.
As the manager of social assistance funds, the Ministry of Social Affairs is one of the seven significant K / L entities. The Ministry of Social Affairs manages a large budget, especially social assistance expenditures and has quite a lot of work units so that the Ministry of Social Affairs' financial statements will have a significant effect on government financial statements in general. In 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs is mandated to manage funds amounting to IDR 78.3 trillion where more than 90% of the funds managed are social assistance. Therefore, the Minister of Social Affairs took the examination of financial statements seriously.
Since taking office, the Minister has aggressively and consistently made improvements to key sectors such as increasing the accuracy of data on social assistance recipients managed in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
As is known, the Ministry of Social Affairs received an Unqualified Opinion (WDP) on the 2020 financial statements. However, these results did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Ministry of Social Affairs to achieve WTP again. As a result, the WTP predicate was again pinned on the 2021 LK.
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Ministry of Social Affairs RI