Social Minister Visits Jakarta and Bekasi Flood Affected Location

Social Minister Visits Jakarta and Bekasi Flood Affected Location
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (02/01/2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs is taking rapid steps in handling flood affected victims in Jakarta, West Java and Banten.

Since Thursday morning, Minister of Social Affair Juliari P. Batubara has been moving to the locations where floods and refugees are located, greeting and expressing sympathy to the victims.

On the first occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs visited a public kitchen at the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Impairment (PSBN) Cahaya Batin Cawang, East Jakarta. After that he also visited RW 03, Taman Harapan Village, Cawang District, East Jakarta.

Social Minister had the opportunity to talk with residents in their houses that were affected by the flood. Social Minister asked about their condition, assistance received, what their needs, and did not forget to give advice and strengthen motivation. During the conversation, Social Minister listened patiently to various inputs from the community.

"Today, we want to know how the conditions and what the needs of the flood victims are. Because the area of DKI Jakarta is vast, we visited East Jakarta, which was the worst. Total assistance was Rp. 4.2 billion. For Jakarta, around Rp. 1.9 billion., "said the Minister of Social Affairs, in Cawang, East Jakarta, Thursday (01/01/2020).

The public kitchen at PSBN Cahaya Batin is capable of producing 5,000 boxes of ready-to-eat rice for the refugees. "In this case the Ministry of Social Affairs is helping the flood disaster management measures that have been carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said the Minister.

On the other hand, the Minister of Social Affairs is also waiting for the possibility of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to issue an emergency response decree. "This will be the basis for the Ministry of Social Affairs to be able to channel aid more optimally to flood victims," said the Minister.

In addition, Minister of Social Affair hopes that people can get information from BMKG (Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency) faster, more accurately and massive. "Thus, the community can anticipate the coming of disaster," said the Minister.

In addition to Cawang, Social Minister also greeted residents in Kampung Pulo, West Jatinegara. Social Minister talks, asks what are they needs. Residents stated the need for clean water. "For fast food, there will be afternoon session," said the Minister.

The third location visited by the Minister of Social Affairs is the Refugee Command Post at Borobudur University Campus, East Jakarta. Here, refugees occupy the 1st floor of the Ummul Quro 'Mosque. In addition to greeting a number of refugees, the Minister of Social Affairs also handed beneficiary help over Rp 15,000,000 to one of the refugees whose family members died due to flooding.

In the Ummul Quro Mosque 'parking lot, the Ministry of Social Affairs is also preparing a Psychosocial Support Service (LDP). "Here, children get therapy that is expected to reduce the psychological impact of the disaster," said the Minister.

According to Agus Sulaiman as Cipinang Melayu Headman, refugee posts are inhabited by as many as 925 people. So far, he said that the needs of refugees can be fulfilled properly, including fast food from public kitchens and clean water.

Finally, the Minister of Social Affairs and his entourage moved to The Ministry of Social Warehouse Logistics in Bekasi City. Here the Minister of Social Affairs checks the logistical readiness to support the handling of basic needs for refugees. In the city of Bekasi, he also visited the affected location at Pondok Gede Permai housing complex. Here, Juliari distributed as much as one truck with a value of Rp 98,000,000.

The official data that has been verified and received by the Ministry of Social Affairs in relation to the death toll is 19 people. They are scattered in Jakarta, Depok and Bogor.

Director General of Social Protection and Security Harry Hikmat said, a number of steps had been taken by the Ministry of Social Affairs since the flood struck Jabodetabek and its surroundings, i.e. coordination with the social service and Tagana for flood management. "Then the data collection, and evacuation of victims, and logistics distribution to meet the basic needs. As well as opening public kitchen services and LDP field," said Harry.

The assistance that has been distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs in the form of logistical assistance in phases I and II for DKI Jakarta Provincial Government each amounted to Rp 750.803.800 and Rp. 527,330,600. Logistics assistance for flood emergency response locations (Cipinang and Senayan) of Rp. 451,411,460. Regular rice (20,000 kg x IDR 10,510) valued at Rp. 210,200,000 and compensation for beneficiary heirs (Rp. 15,000,000 x 3 people) worth Rp. 45,000,000. The total logistical assistance for the DKI Jakarta Province's emergency response is Rp 1,984,745,860.

Then for emergency response logistics in West Java Province worth Rp 1,081,753,272. Logistics assistance for Banten Province emergency response valued at Rp 680.277.800. There are also 19 beneficiary heirs totalling Rp285,000,000. So that the total assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs has been distributed in the amount of Rp4,031,776,932.

The Ministry of Social Affairs distributed emergency response logistical assistance to the flood site Cipinang Village in the form of prepared meals 420 packages, 220 children's meals, instant noodles 2,400 packs, 100 sheet blankets, 100 family kit kits, 100 ware kids packages, 40 unit mattresses, family kitchen equipment 20 package, 60 sheet roll tents, 6 units multipurpose tents, and 1 unit polyethylene.

The emergency response logistics assistance to the flood location of Kelurahan Senayan in the form of 120 packaged fast food, 50 packs of children's food, 1,600 packs of instant noodles, 100 sheets of blankets, 20 packages of family kits, 20 packages of ware for kids, 40 units of mattress, 20 units of family kitchen equipment , and 60 sheet roll tents.

Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affair

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