Minister of Social Affairs: Optimize the Role of PKH and BPNT Social Assistance

Minister of Social Affairs: Optimize the Role of PKH and BPNT Social Assistance
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Hendrikus Yoakim; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (February 11, 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara ensures that the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to increase efforts to accelerate poverty reduction. Especially related to the direction of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin at the plenary of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), today.

In the TNP2K Plenary Meeting, the Vice President reemphasized the 2020-2024 RPJMN target of reducing the poverty rate between 7% (moderate) and 6.5% (optimistic) by the end of 2024. 

Juliari stated that the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready to follow up on the results of the TNP2K Coordination Meeting in achieving the poverty reduction target. 

"Apart from the ongoing social assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs is also improving the quality of assistance. We also encourage the graduation of beneficiaries so that they are independent. No less important, the Ministry of Social Affairs also improves the quality of data on social assistance recipients, by increasing cooperation and coordination with related ministries and institutions," said Minister Juliari in Jakarta, Tuesday (11/02/2020).

In the TNP2K release, the Vice President asked related ministers including the Minister of Social Affairs to coordinate and ensure the improvement of the social protection system to better address welfare problems at every stage of life. 

The Vice President also asked that social protection programs reach every poor and vulnerable group and that programs be implemented effectively.

The Vice President's directive is in line with the inclusive development paradigm in social welfare development developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The inclusive paradigm is accommodated by the Ministry of Social Affairs in the new tagline #KemensosHADIR. Where "I" is 'inclusive', it means that work always involves all stakeholders.

"We continue to strengthen the social assistance program Family Hope Program (PKH) which this year reaches 10 million families. Then the Ministry of Social Affairs also began transforming Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) into the Basic Food Program. Where the index and components of the Groceries Program are added," said Juliari.

At the end of January, Juliari inaugurated the transformation of social assistance from BPNT to the Basic Food Program where the index from IDR110,000 / KPM / month to IDR150,000 / KPM / month. In addition, the food component is also increased, from rice and eggs in the BPNT scheme, now the choices are added with chicken, meat and beans.   

"The additional IDR40,000 per month is recommended to buy meat, fish, chicken, and beans," said the Minister. 

The addition of commodities other than rice and/or eggs to pay attention to nutrition for the community. Director General of Poverty Management (Director General PFM), Andi ZA Dulung said that the increase in the assistance index and the addition of these types of foodstuffs are expected to reduce KPM expenses and make them more independent. 

"The increase (aid index) is not only aimed at reducing their expenses (KPM), but also to form them to be more independent," said the Director General of PFM. 

The BPNT program, which will be transformed into the Groceries Program, has contributed to a decrease in the percentage of poor people and inequality in population expenditure in Indonesia. 

According to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the percentage of poor people in September 2019 was 9.22 percent, this figure decreased by 0.19 percent when compared to March 2019 which amounted to 9.41 percent.


Bureau of Public Relations

Ministry of Social Affairs

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