Ministry of Social Affairs Sends Amount of Aid to Morotai Earthquake Victims

Ministry of Social Affairs Sends Amount of Aid to Morotai Earthquake Victims
Writer :
Biro Humas
Editor :

Ternate (September 21, 2024) - The Ministry of Social Affairs has sent logistical assistance to earthquake victims on Morotai Island. The assistance was sent from the logistics warehouse at the UPT Kemensos Sentra Wasana Bahagia Ternate, Friday (September 20, 2024) evening. The assistance sent by sea is estimated to arrive on Saturday (September 21, 2024) afternoon.

The assistance sent was in the form of 1,000 ready-to-eat food packages, 800 children's food packages, 150 mattresses, 200 blankets, 200 family kit packages, 200 kidware packages, 130 children's clothing packages, and 200 adult clothing packages. In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs also distributed 100 roll-up tents, 30 family tents, and 4 multipurpose tents.

"The assistance can cover approximately 250 families affected," said Acting Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Masriani Mansyur, in Jakarta, Friday (20/9/2024).

In addition to victims, the assistance is also a buffer stock at the Morotai Island Regency Social Service, including to fill two social barns on the island.

The speed of sending this assistance, said Masyriani, was in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf who asked the Ministry of Social Affairs to be present in the midst of the community.

Masriani also explained that conditions in Morotoi were relatively safe, but people were still worried about aftershocks. "Today alone there have been eight aftershocks even though the strength is not high," he said.

Masriani admitted that until now the Ministry of Social Affairs has not set up evacuation tents. This is because most people have taken refuge in relatives' houses and in rooms in houses that are considered safe to live in. However, as a precaution, the Ministry of Social Affairs is still preparing tents.

A 5.6 SR earthquake rocked the Morotai Islands Regency on Thursday (19/9/2024). The earthquake caused several houses to be slightly and heavily damaged.

Shortly after the incident, the Ministry of Social Affairs' Disaster Preparedness Cadet Team (Tagana) was already at the location to assist in the evacuation and conduct an assessment of field conditions.

Morotai Island is one of the northernmost islands in Indonesia, approximately 300 kilometers from Ternate City, the capital of North Maluku. The Ministry of Social Affairs' logistical assistance was sent by sea and land, namely by using a ferry from Ternate to Sofifi on Halmahera Island, then continuing the journey overland to Tobelo, and from Tobelo by ship to Morotai Island. (*)
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