MoSA Begins to Implement the Integrated Poverty Reduction Program

MoSA Begins to Implement the Integrated Poverty Reduction Program
Writer :
OHH Linjamsos
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

Clean water installations, anchovy processing and a Community Center will be built in Cilincing

JAKARTA (17 November 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) has begun to implement an integrated poverty reduction program. Since yesterday, a team from the Directorate of Social Protection for Non-Natural Social Disaster Victims (PSKBSNA) of MoSA has taken the first step, namely holding a community meeting for an assessment.

The MoSA’s team met Cilincing residents to implement the Social Harmony and Economic Strengthening program. It was a follow-up to the meeting of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini with local residents at the Al Hidayah Cilincing Mosque, last Tuesday (1/11). The meeting was chaired by the Acting Director General of Social Protection and Security Robben Rico accompanied by PSKBSNA Director Mira Riyati Kurniasih.

"We will clean and tidy up the village here," said Robben, Wednesday (16/11). Present on the same occasion, Director General of Social Rehabilitation Pepen Nazarudin, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Salahudin Yahya and Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment Beni Sujanto.

“This program is a series of poverty reduction activities. It is our duty to carry out beneficial activities for society," said Pepen.

Kalibiru village was chosen as a pilot project because the local residents complained about the lack of clean water for their daily needs. In addition, this election is also based on the commitment of local residents who are ready to collaborate to make better changes in the future.

MoSA plans to make a pilot project through several activities in Cilincing, including the Integrated Welfare Houses (RST). MoSA will also carry out the development of Social Harmony by drilling wells that provide clean water. The goal is to meet the clean water needs of local residents.

"We are also strengthening the economy through developing community businesses in the form of anchovies which are processed into ready-to-eat food (nuggets)," said Robben. MoSA will also build a Community Center as a meeting hall that can support fishermen's activities.

"The whole program is implemented with the support of all work units at the Ministry of Social Affairs," Robben added.

To support all of these programs, Robben also mobilized Social Pillars, such as Disaster Voluntary Worker (Tagana), PKH Companion, and Peace Pioneers to submit and update data in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). Moreover, Tagana and PKH Companion also assess the beneficiaries.

To increase the spirit of cooperative work which has started to fade in big cities, Robben called for all of these activities to be carried out together.

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