MoSA Wins “BerAKHLAK” Award with Sincerity as the Most Prominent Aspect

MoSA Wins “BerAKHLAK” Award with Sincerity as the Most Prominent Aspect
Writer :
Rizka Surya Ananda
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

JAKARTA (10 April 2023) — Motivator Ary Ginanjar Agustian presented to Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini the results of the Work Culture Mapping and Measurement Survey of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Accelerated Culture Transformation (ACT) Consulting International conducted this survey in partnership with the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms (KemenPAN RB).

According to the motivator known for the ESQ approach, the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) has demonstrated sincerity in community service. This remark, he said, is based on scientific evidence, not personal assumptions. ACT Consulting assesses the moral implementation index for government personnel using the Organization Culture Health Index (OCHI). The survey was conducted with 1,485 respondents throughout the third and fourth quarters of 2022.

This great outcome, according to Ary, cannot be separated from the current leadership of the Minister, who can establish ASN with character. "In the two years that you have been Minister, you have succeeded in increasing the sincerity of your staff's work," said Ary to Risma on Tuesday (10/4).

The aspect of sincerity referred to by Ary is included in the meaning purpose area, which is one of the six focus areas of organizational awareness being assessed. Meaning purpose relates to a focus on contributing to society and the environment for long-term prosperity which gives meaning to work for all employees.

Aside from sincerity, Ary emphasizes the increased accountability and self-confidence that comes with gaining unqualified opinions (WTP). "Among other things, the Minister was successful in instilling the highest levels of self-confidence and accountability. WTP is based on mentality," he explained.

Based on the survey, the accountability value obtained the highest score with a value of 70.3%, followed by the collaborative value which received a value of 69.2%. MoSA’s ASN is considered capable of demonstrating behavior with integrity, honesty, responsibility, accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency, discipline, cooperation, cross-group collaboration, empowerment and open communication.

The survey results presented by ACT Consulting were welcomed by the Minister of Social Affairs. According to her, MoSA’s ASN works with various challenges and obstacles in implementing social welfare programs. “The journey (distributing aid) can take many hours. Going to Natuna, for example, can take up to 25 hours. My employees can sometimes stay in the car for three days," she explained.

The Minister said that forming the character of employees who are highly dedicated to social work is not easy. To do this, the Minister frequently provides positive encouragement to employees.

"As I stated at the inauguration, we must work sincerely. Our children, our siblings, may have troubles in the future. So, by helping others, we and our families will be blessed, God willing. This is something I always instill in my employees," she stated.

The Minister admitted that she did not have the authority to increase employee performance allowances, but she is always trying to give appreciation in the form of promotions to outstanding employees regardless of ethnicity, race and religion.

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