Persuades Milennials to Become Heroes, Social Affairs Minister: Start It From Being Parent’s Pride

Persuades Milennials to Become Heroes, Social Affairs Minister: Start It From Being Parent’s Pride
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Yusuf Andika; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (November 13, 2019) – The Social Affairs Minister Juliari P. Batubara persuaded all young generations, especially the student to become modern heroes. It could be done by doing simple but important things, including to become heroes for their parents.

"You, the young generations, can be a hero. The key is how to put your spirit on become the parent’s pride. If you want to be the parent’s pride, you will get motivated to get the best achievement whatever you do,” said the Minister, in front of hundred students on the “Heroes Goes To School” event, at Convention Building, TMPN Utama Kalibata, Wednesday (13/11/2019).

The Secretary General Hartono Laras, Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin, Inspector General Dadang Iskandar, Several Structural and Functional officials, Committee of Hero Day Commemoration in 2019, also the National Hero’s Family attended in this event.

On the next speech, the Minister ordered to the millennials for adhere to the principle of do not let the parents down. From that principle, the Minister said, we would do the best.

“For students, you must be want to have a good score. If you become the high-achieving children, the one who devoted to your parent, you are already become the hero for your family. Becoming the current hero can be started from ourself and family,” said the Social Affairs Minister.

The Minister pointed out on the importance of not letting the parents down. “Because it is the starting point. If you can be your parent’s pride, you will be success,” said the Minister. Therefore, the Minister said, became a hero did not have to be like an armed struggle in the past.

“We can not forget our heroes’ services. We must continue their fight. Not by fighting on the battle field, or protecting the border. Let’s become a hero from ourself,” he said.

We could do that with a simple way such as be honest, responsible, sincere and not giving up. The Minister also motivated the students to be always innovative to become the Modern Hero in accordance to the spirit and theme of Commemoration of Heroes Day on 2019 which was “I Am The Modern Hero”.

The Minister also reminded that the Commemoration of Heroes Day 2019 could be filled with many activities which planted the nationalism and increased the awareness, helping each other. The act like not spreading hoax was one of many things we could do to become the Modern Heroes.

In his report, the Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin stated that this event was followed by 800 persons consisted of High School Student from Jabodetabek. The Executive Director of Reform Institute Yudi Latif, historian JJ Rizal, high-achieving athlete Lalu Muhammad Zohri, etc. was attended as the speaker in this event.

This event was held in order to improve the feeling of nationalism, increased the young generation’s realization in implemented the heroism value on their daily life, and increase the appreciation respect for the heroes’ service

Acting Head of Public Relation Bureau

The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs

Sonny W Manalu

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