NORTH ACEH (May 29, 2024) - At the peak commemoration of the 28th National Elderly Day (HLUN) in North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini conveyed the importance of instilling the values ​​of respecting and paying attention to parents from an early age to the younger generation to create relationships. better relationship between the elderly and their families. Apart from that, providing adequate facilities is also needed to support the elderly.

Entering the Elderly Period (Seniors) does not mean all activities must stop. Elderly people must remain active by choosing activities according to their circumstances and physical condition. Social Minister Risma emphasized Empowerment to Make the Elderly More Independent and Productive.

"They are still empowered, for example, they (seniors) can embroider but don't have sewing tools or glasses so it's difficult, later we will assess how they can be empowered because that is what makes them healthier," said the Minister of Social Affairs Risma

In the framework of the 28th HLUN, the Ministry of Social Affairs is trying to provide services to the elderly such as Health Office as Cataract Operations, eye examinations, repairs to elderly homes, Potential Elderly Entrepreneurship, civil rights fulfillment services, making electronic Resident Identity Cards (KTP) for elderly people, certificates birth, family card and marriage isbat.