YOGYAKARTA (April 16, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini became the Keynote Speaker at the Ramadhan Blessing Mardliyyah (RBM) activity, with the theme "The Kartinis Discuss the Nation's Problems", which was organized by the Mardliyyah Islamic Center of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in the Main Room, Lt. . 1 Mardliyyah Islamic Center UGM Mosque, Yogyakarta, Sunday (17/4).
The event, which was attended by the UGM academic community as well as the general public, also presented other speakers, namely UGM Chancellor Ova Emilia, UGM Deputy Chancellor for Education and Teaching Wening Udasmoro, and Indonesian Novel and Short Story Writer Asma Nadia.
Ikhwan Syah
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N