JOMBANG (January 28, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini together with DPR RI member Sadarestu Wati handed over Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support to persons with disabilities in the Hall of Sengon Village, Sengon Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency, East Java Province, Saturday (28 /1).

The event was also attended by Senior Advisor for the Jombang Regent Murti Cahyani, Deputy Chairperson of the Jombang DPRD Dony Anggun, Secretary to the Inspectorate General Dody Sukmono, Acting Director of the Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Nursyamsu, Head of the Jombang Regency Social Office, Jombang District Muspika, Village Heads of Sengon Village, Babinsa Police and Bhabinkantibmas.