Realization in 2023 Reaches 98%, Commission VIII DPR RI Appreciates MoSA's Program

Realization in 2023 Reaches 98%, Commission VIII DPR RI Appreciates MoSA's Program
Writer :
Annisa Nur Hanifah
Translator :
Alif Mufida Ulya

JAKARTA (March 19th, 2024) – Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended a Working Meeting with Commission VIII DPR RI with the discussion agenda "Evaluation of the Implementation of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA)’s Budget for 2022 and Actual Issues", located in the Meeting Room of Commission VIII DPR RI, Nusantara II Building, Jakarta.

In the meeting, the Minister explained the budget of IDR 87.27 trillion came from the expenditure budget in the form of personnel expenditure, goods expenditure, capital expenditure and social assistance expenditure, as well as the budget per program in the form of social protection and management support with realization reaching IDR 85.53 trillion (98%).
"Regarding the realization comes from the employee expenditure budget (97.46%), goods (99.09%), capital (99.97%), and social assistance (97.96%), with a total realization of IDR 85.53 trillion (98.00%)," said Risma.

One program people are concerned about was the Social Protection Program for Natural Disaster Victims at the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security which received emergency response logistics assistance with realization reaching 103.76%. This achievement exceeded the original target of 245,000 people to 254,203 people who received assistance.

In addition, the Natural Disaster Victims Program which received social recovery assistance and psychosocial support services was 167.64% exceeded the target from the original 5,000 people to 8,382 people who received assistance.

On that occasion, a member of Commission VIII DPR RI Selly Andriany Gantina from PDIP Fraction appreciated the performance of MoSA regarding handling disasters in Indonesia.

"Thanks for the help of MoSA. Now, people know that disaster management doesn’t only come from BNPB. However, in order to maximize disaster management itself, we must also support the budget allocation, and don't let the logistics warehouse that has been provided by MoSA be left empty," said Selly.

Wisnu Wijaya Adi Putra from PKS Fraction also conveyed the same thing. He appreciated MoSA's quick response to areas that experienced disasters recently, one of which was flood in Semarang City. "Thank you for the quick response in sending aid to handle floods in Semarang City some time ago," said Wisnu.

Apart from logistical assistance for social disasters, MoSA's social granary program also received appreciation and support from the Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Ashabul Kahfi. He said that this program could be made a superior program. The realization of the social granary program under the auspices of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security reached 151.18% of the target of 110 to 167 social granaries built.

"This social granary is one of the programs that must be improved and become a superior program for disaster-prone areas so that it can facilitate logistics distribution," said him.

Echelon I Work Unit (UKE) budget absorption and realization in 2023 were as follows: Secretariat General budget IDR 736.8 billion with realization IDR 727.9 billion (98.79%); Inspectorate General budget IDR 41.59 billion with realization IDR 41.027 billion (98%), Directorate General of Social Empowerment budget IDR 53.2 trillion with realization IDR 52.2 trillion (98.17%), Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation budget IDR 2.4 trillion with realization IDR 2.3 trillion (97.81%), Directorate General of Social Protection and Security has a budget of IDR 30.77 trillion with realization of IDR 30.07 trillion (97.71%).

Public Relations Bureau
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs

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