Social Affairs Minister Hopes Children Have Enough Provisions to Adapt in the Community

Social Affairs Minister Hopes Children Have Enough Provisions to Adapt in the Community
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Hendrikus Yoakim; Karlina Irsalyana

MAGELANG (February 22, 2020) - A festive atmosphere welcomed the presence of Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Requiring Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Antasena" Magelang.

The presence of the Minister of Social Affairs was welcomed by a marching band from the Beneficiary Children (PM). During this visit, the Minister had the opportunity to tour the Center to see the facilities and infrastructure, and activities of the PM. Starting from male and female dormitories, and music therapy rooms (band and karawitan rooms).

Various livelihood therapy activities also did not escape Juliari's observation. Such as automotive workshops, wood crafts, salons, as well as Productive Economic Business installations that are visited by many outside communities. In every room visited, the Minister of Social Affairs did not forget to chat with companions and PMs.

While chatting several times, Juliari explored why they could undergo rehabilitation at the center. "The wheel of life is spinning. The past experiences that you have experienced, let's leave them behind. The companions in this hall will help you live better. Let's take advantage of the time and opportunity to achieve better conditions," said Juliari during her working visit at BRSAMPK "Antasena" Magelang, Saturday (22/02/2020).

For PMs who are dealing with the law, especially as perpetrators, the Minister of Social Affairs hopes that they will not repeat their actions. The Minister of Social Affairs no longer wants to meet them if he visits the Center. This means that the Minister of Social Affairs hopes that they can get out and mingle with the community well in the not-too-distant future.

On the other hand, Juliari emphasized that families and parents play a stronger role in creating a growth and development environment for children. "Prevention can be done starting from the family as the child's first environment. Monitoring will still be carried out after they return to the family, but the responsibility is already with the family," said the Minister.

The Minister also had the opportunity to review various facilities at the center. The Minister promised to make a number of improvements. "I hope that this social rehabilitation center will be developed into a modern center with an inclusive, integrated, and international standard (ITBi) perspective," said the Minister.

On the same occasion, Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto said that in 2019 BRSAMPK "Antasena" Magelang had carried out the main task of providing advanced social rehabilitation to 702 AMPK Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS).

"In addition to Advanced Social Rehabilitation, the function of the UPT social rehabilitation center/workshop is as a regional program coordinator, outreach center, case response, and crisis intervention center, pilot institution, strengthening social rehabilitation services, and service model development center," said Edi.

BRSAMPK "Antasena" is a referral for advanced social rehabilitation services owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The working area of BRSAMPK "Antasena" covers the provinces of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, and West Kalimantan.

BRSAMPK "Antasena" Magelang is one of the Social Rehabilitation UPTs that has advanced social rehabilitation tasks for AMPK including Purposeful Assistance (BanTu), Therapy (Mental Spiritual Therapy, Psychosocial Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Livelihood Therapy), Social Care, and Family Support.

This is a form of commitment of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in carrying out sustainable development by ensuring that no one is left behind in development, including children.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs RI

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