Social Minister Wants Child Social Rehabilitation Center to be Devel

Social Minister Wants Child Social Rehabilitation Center to be Devel
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (15 January 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara admires the various facilities and services at the "Handayani" The Child Social Rehabilitation Center Requires Special Protection (BRSAMPK), Jakarta. In the future, Juliari wants this children's center to be developed so that more children can be reached by social rehabilitation services.

Arriving at the site, Juliari accompanied by Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto toured a number of facilities at the hall and talked with the beneficiaries. The first place visited by Juliari is an art gallery which is an exhibition centre for the work of social welfare service recipients (PPKS). After that, Juliari moved to the Child Social Protection Home (RPSA).

In this place, Juliari held a dialogue with the child victims of human trafficking referred by the Police who had just arrived this morning. After visiting the RPSA, Juliari saw a child complaint facility, the TePSA (Phone Friends of Children).

TePSA is a 24-hour hotline that receives complaints about children's problems under the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. "This service is very good. If we see, there are quite a lot of problems involving children in Indonesia, especially violence against children, "said Juliari in Bambu Apus, Jakarta, Wednesday (01/15/2020).

Another facility visited was the Interest and Talent Building which is a centre for social rehabilitation activities at the "Handayani" BRSAMPK. From the results of his visit, Juliari expressed his pride, due to the well-organized management system, complete facilities, and supported by experienced and competent hall managers.

And further he expressed his hope, that "Handayani" BRSAMPK can make a greater contribution to the PPKS. For the reason, the existence of BRSAMPK "Handayani" has a positive impact on the development of social welfare.

"I think in the future the facilities in this hall need to be added. I want us to be able to provide services to more children as beneficiaries, "said Social Minister Juliari.

Upon arriving at the Interest and Talent Building which is the centre of social rehabilitation activities at the "Handayani" BRSAMPK, Juliari participated in a group dynamics game with children. For some time, he had dialogues with children, including children dealing with the law and children exposed to radicalism.

Juliari said, the facilitator here could only help them when they were here. "When you come out it's your responsibility. Then be a better person after getting out of here, "he added.

In his statement in front of reporters, Juliari said that the Ministry of Social Affairs was ready to rehabilitate children who need special protection. Even so he hopes that prevention is started from the family as the child's first environment. Monitoring will continue after they return to the family but the responsibility already rests with the family.

So Juliari reminded parents, to really pay attention to the child's development as well as possible. "Together with the family, it is hoped that children will learn life and guidance so that children's delinquency problems can be prevented," Social Minister Juliari said.

The facility is quite complete. There are SLB-E schools, polyclinics, welding skills buildings, cooling skills buildings, screen printing skills buildings, automotive skills buildings, halls, dormitories, mosques, psychosocial therapy laboratories, dorms for children dealing with law, safe house and home between.

With complete facilities, 2019 realization data shows that as many as 1,406 children were provided with rehabilitation services, with details of 529 children given assistance as big as 1 million rupiah per child, 25 children received case responses. In addition, there were 571 PPKS in the centre, 101 children received crisis intervention, and 180 students received school care services.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs

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