Social Minister: Work Seriously as Millions of People are Waiting

Social Minister: Work Seriously as Millions of People are Waiting
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (March 9, 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara asks all officials in the Ministry of Social Affairs to work with enthusiasm and responsibility. Juliari reminded, there are millions of Indonesians waiting for our achievements.
"We are a few people who can work on behalf of the country. What we do has a broad impact for millions of people. So, work by producing benefits that can really be felt directly by the people, "said Juliari, after inaugurating and taking the oath of the High Level Senior Offical, at the Ministry of Social Affairs Office, in Jakarta, Monday (02/09/2020).
Based on Presidential Decree No. 50 / TPA 2020, the officials referred to are Edi Suharto as Director General for Social Empowerment, Harry Hikmat as Director General for Social Rehabilitation, Pepen Nazaruddin as Director General for Social Protection and Security, Asep Sasa Purnama as Director General of Poor People Handling, and Andi ZA Dulung as Senior Staff of Social Welfare Technology.
In addition, Minister of Social Affairs also appointed two functional officials namely Hasbullah as Widyaiswara Ahli Utama based on Presidential Decree No.09 / M 2020, and Sunit Agus Tri Cahyono as Senior Researcher based on Presidential Decree No. 19 / M 2020.
To the officials, Juliari asked to remain enthusiastic and motivated in working. He also reminded that officials work for the nation and state.

“it is an honor for us to work in government because we have the trust of millions of Indonesians. So, work as straight as you can and avoid despicable acts,” said Juliari.

Bureau of Public Relations
Ministry of Social Affairs

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