The Application of Cek Bansos, an Innovation of MoSA that Involves the Community for the Right Targeted Management of Social Assistance

The Application of Cek Bansos, an Innovation of MoSA that Involves the Community for the Right Targeted Management of Social Assistance
Writer :
Ahmad Ramadhan
Translator :
Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (5 May 2022) - The Application of Cek Bansos is an effort to increase accuracy in the distribution of Social Assistance. This digital-based application opens public participation through the "propose" and "rebuttal" features.


The utilization of these two features is reasonably practical. The public can access it using a user ID that has been verified and activated by MoSA’s admins.


ID owners can provide appropriate responses to beneficiaries deemed ineligible for social assistance by selecting the icon, filling in the reasons, and statements, and then sending responses.


"ID owners can also register themselves, their families, other communities, the poor living in one village or sub-district directly on the add proposal button," said Head of the Center for Data and Information on Social Welfare Agus Zainal Arifin recently.


This feature of the proposed objection is important because it facilitates the wider community to participate in distributing social assistance that is right on target. "Therefore, community participation is highly expected," he said.


Then, the public's response, whether related to eligibility or new proposals, will be entered into the dashboard of the Next Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS-NG) user supervisor at the Regency/City Social Office. In this menu, the Regency/City supervisor must verify the data in the table that appears.


The Social Office then verified the data by checking the suitability of the information submitted with the actual conditions in the field. The approved verification data will be sent to a new proposal in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) through the online SIKS-NG system application accompanied by an endorsement letter from the regional head to be processed in the Minister of Social Affairs Decree (SK).


One of the application users, Maesaroh revealed the reason. As a housewife from Bogor, she suggested her parents accept social assistance.


“I used the application to register my mother, because she is elderly, has no income, and has no job. I want my mother to get it,” said the 40-year-old woman.


As an innovation from MoSA, the social assistance check application follows the 2022 Public Service Innovation Competition through the Public Service Innovation Information System. Currently, the assessment is still ongoing under the authority of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reforms.


The application can be downloaded via the Play Store on an Android-based smartphone under the name Cek Bansos Application, ensuring that the application developer is MoSA to avoid counterfeit applications.
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