JAKARTA (1 November 2020) - The government sees the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic has not completely abated in 2021. The government
through the Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to distribute special
social aid in the form of Cash Social Aid (BST) to reduce the economic burden
of communities affected by the pandemic
Minister Ari confirmed that the Ministry of Social Affairs would continue the BST program for people affected by the pandemic in 2021. "BST will be continued for six months in January - June 2021. The program targets 34 provinces or all provinces in Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta, "said Minister of Social Affairs Ari in Jakarta (01/11/2020).
BST in 2021 will reach 10 million Beneficiary Families (KPM) with an index of IDR 200,000/KPM/month. Ministry of Social Affairs has allocated IDR 12 trillion budget for this program.
Social Minister Juliari admitted that the social aid program in 2021 will not be as massive as this year. The government will focus more on economic recovery programs and COVID-19 vaccinations in stages which require large budget.
"The plan for social assistance next year is not as massive as this year. Because the focus of the government in accordance with President Joko Widodo's instructions is to restore economic activity and procuring vaccines, "he said.
"The vaccination program is massive and requires a large budget. Hence, the social aid from the Ministry of Social Affairs will be consolidated, slightly reduced, ”said the former member of the House of Representatives.
Other social aids, such as the Sembako Social Aid (BSS), Rice Social Aid (BSB), and others would be temporarily discontinued next year. However, the minister said that this decision was still temporary and flexible depending on the situation and the President's instruction.
Nonetheless, regular social assistance in the form of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT)/Sembako Program is certain to continue normally in 2021. Both of these programs are still important government programs as an effort to accelerate poverty reduction.
"The Family Hope Program will continue normally," he said. In 2021, PKH will reach 10 million KPM with a budget of IDR 30.4 trillion while the BPNT/Sembako Program will reach 18.5 million KPM with a budget of IDR 44.7 trillion.