MEDAN (July 27, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Bahagia Training Center of Medan conducted a distribution of Cash Social Assistance (BST) which lasted for three days, starting on July 24 – 26, 2021. This BST distribution activity followed up on Letter Number 1685/6.2 /BS.02.01/7/2021 dated July 12, 2021, regarding Instructions for Distribution of Cash Social Assistance Funds (BST) Phase V in May and Phase VI in June 1152 Beneficiary Families (KPM) received cash social assistance.


The BST program is one of the programs from the Ministry of Social Affairs in the context of alleviating and breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19 as well as accelerating the national economic recovery carried out throughout Indonesia. The recipients of this cash assistance are residents who live in Medan Tembung District which consists of 7 (seven) villages, namely Bandar Selamat Village, Bantan Village, East Bantan Village, Indra Kasih Village, Sidorejo Village, Sidorejo Hilir Village and Tembung Village.


Before this activity, PT. Pos Indonesia coordinated with Bahagia Center of Medan in the context of technical preparation during the activity.


"The most important thing is to implement health protocols for all residents," said Lyana as the Head of Bahagia Medan when coordinating with PT. Pos Indonesia.


At this BST, apart from receiving cash assistance of 600 thousand rupiahs, KPM also received 10 kg of rice. This is the accumulated aid during May and June of 2021.


One of the BST recipients said that this assistance was very useful, especially during the current pandemic. The implementation of Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) has more or less an impact on the community's economy. The provision of BST is expected to help the family's economy.


"Hopefully the rice and cash assistance can be used as well as possible," said Lyana when assisting one of the KPM.