MAKASSAR (21 May 2020) - As many as 239 people with physical disabilities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi received a Social Assistance (Bansos) package from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). The social assistance package which is packaged in the form of basic food assistance for persons with physical disabilities is distributed directly by the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) "Wirajaya" Makassar which is one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) under the auspices of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (Ditjen Rehsos) of the Ministry of Social Affairs. RI.

Before being distributed to each of the recipient residents, the Head of the Makassar "Wirajaya" Disability Center, Syaiful Samad symbolically handed over the aid to the Regional Government (Pemda) of Gowa Regency and was received directly by the Head of the Social Service (Kadinsos) of Gowa Regency, H. Syamsuddin B, at the location at the Main Command Post for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at the Gowa Regent's office.

In front of H. Syamsuddin and his staff who were present, Syaiful Samad expressed his appreciation for the Gowa Regional Government which supported this program a lot, starting from providing data on potential recipients, including helping to validate and verify recipient data.

"With the help of the Gowa Social Service in coordinating with  all stakeholders regarding the delivery of basic food social assistance activities, hopefully this will run well, starting from the distribution of aid according to schedule and on target according to existing data," hoped Syaiful.

Furthermore, Syaiful also explained that the basic food assistance program for people with disabilities affected by COVID-19 is planned to be implemented in 2 (two) regions, namely Gowa Regency and Makassar City. Given the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy implemented by Gowa Regency and Makassar City, it is likely that many residents from these two areas will be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for people with physical disabilities who are very vulnerable to being affected. "The reason is that Gowa and Makassar were chosen to be the locus of the implementation of the distribution of basic food assistance for people with physical disabilities," said Syaiful.

Meanwhile, H. Syamsuddin on behalf of the Government of Gowa expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Makassar "Wirajaya" Disability Center for helping to ease the burden on Gowa residents, especially for people with physical disabilities who are very vulnerable to being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, for the technical distribution of assistance to each recipient, the Gowa Regency Government collaborated with the Social Welfare Institution (LKS) represented by Muh. Takdir as the Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) of Gowa Regency who was also present to symbolically receive the basic food assistance package.

In addition to involving the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities in Gowa Regency, the distribution of basic food assistance also involves Assistants for Persons with Disabilities (TPPD), and District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK).

To ensure that assistance is distributed optimally, the Balai, assisted by several staff from the Gowa Social Service, have formed a team to carry out supervision and monitoring so that aid distribution is carried out properly and on target.