MAKASSAR (May 23, 2020) - The “Toddopuli” Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in Need of Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Makassar distributed 363 basic food packages (Bansos) to 9 Child Social Welfare Institutions (LKSA) in South Sulawesi Province. Basic Food Social Assistance is the second stage after the previous distribution was carried out in Southeast Sulawesi.

The distribution of food packages is a follow-up to the instructions of the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, to immediately take care of neglected people (poor, vulnerable, and marginalized groups) who are directly or indirectly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to immediately provide assistance to the people.

The Sub-Division Head of the Administration, as well as the person in charge of this activity, Sutimbul, said there were 9 LKSAs divided into 3 regencies and 2 cities, namely Maros Regency, Gowa Regency, Takalar Regency, Pare-Pare City, and Makassar City. We divided 9 Working Group (Pokja) teams, each of which was responsible for verification and validation as well as the distribution of the assistance.

This social assistance is given to children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, whose parents are no longer have a job or have reduced income due to this pandemic. This social assistance package which contains rice, milk, sausage, cereal, eggs, and biscuits is given to children affected by COVID-19.

The Supervisor of the Social Worker Service Unit, Norman, thanked the “Toddopuli” Children's Center in Makassar for providing this basic food assistance to the residents, especially the children. Hopefully, this assistance can be used properly.