MALANG (November 23, 2023) — Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited and greeted the Social Welfare Service for Persons in Need (PPKS) undergoing free cataract surgery in Malang City and Regency.

This cataract surgery initiative is a collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs, YPP SCTV Peduli, and PERDAMI and was held simultaneously across Malang City and Malang Regency.

The surgeries took place at Panti Nirmala Hospital in Malang City and Kanjuruhan Regional General Hospital in Malang Regency. A total of 230 PPKS have passed the screening stage and were declared eligible to proceed to the surgery stage on Thursday (11/23).

The Ministry of Social Affairs conducts free cataract surgeries every month for PPKS across Indonesia. Cataracts are a significant concern for the Minister of Social Affairs, as untreated cases can lead to blindness, with special attention given to younger cataract patients.

“We carry out this surgery every month because delaying treatment can severely affect the productivity of our people, leading to blindness and other consequences,” Minister Risma explained.

Patients were screened on November 21 and 22, and those who passed were operated on by a team of specialists from Panti Nirmala Hospital, Kanjuruhan Hospital, Perdami Jakarta, and other healthcare professionals on November 23.

Before the operation, the patient was screened on November 21 and 22, 2023. The operation will be carried out by a team of specialists from Panti Nirmala Hospital, Kanjuruhan Hospital, Perdami Jakarta, and other healthcare professionals on November 23 for those who passed the screening.

One of the patient's companions, Udin (43) who accompanied his mother Juni (67) from Wonosari expressed his gratitude and hoped the surgery would restore her vision.

"My mother has been suffering for about a year. When I got information about the free cataract surgery, I brought her here. Thank you so much; I hope my mother's vision will be restored," Udin said with a smile at Kanjuruhan Hospital.

The Social Affairs Minister extended her thanks to all parties involved in the successful cataract surgery program, emphasizing the importance of timely treatment.

"We’re grateful to Perdami and the volunteer doctors who came from Jakarta to perform these surgeries across Indonesia. It’s a labor of love, and we do it every month because, as I said, it’s better to prevent blindness than to wait too long," Risma added.

"We’re grateful to Perdami and the volunteer doctors who came from Jakarta to perform these surgeries across Indonesia. This is hard work, and we do it every month because, as I said, it’s better to prevent blindness than to wait too long," Risma added.