BEKASI (11 November 2019) - Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna in his presentation revealed that infrastructure is important in program implementation, in this case the NP New Platform 5 Cluster Social Rehabilitation Program (Progress 5.0). "The drafting of the Minister of Social Affairs for Standardization of Facilities and Infrastructure of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is to fulfill the regulatory vacuum in the field of facilities and infrastructure," said Idit.

With the preparation of this Ministerial Regulation, it is hoped that it can become a reference and guideline in structuring UPT technical service facilities and infrastructure according to standards within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

Idit said that the drafting of the Minister of Social Affairs was also a form of strategy to accelerate the implementation of Progress 5.0 NP, especially to adapt the changes from the institution to a center. "All UPTs must have whatever means to support social rehabilitation activities," said Idit.

The discussion activity on the Draft Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs concerning Standardization of UPT Facilities and Infrastructure in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation was attended by 45 participants consisting of all effective teams for the Strategy for Accelerating the Implementation of Progress 5.0, Directorate of Child Social Care, Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Victims of Drug Abuse, Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Tuna Social and KPO, Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Elderly, Legal Bureau, Pusdatin, Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare Laboratory, BRSKPN "Galih Pakuan" Bogor, BRSAMPK "Handayani" Jakarta, BRSPDSN "Tan Miyat" Bekasi, BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi, BRS WATUNAS "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta. This activity took place from 11 to 13 November 2019 at the Amaroossa Grande Hotel, Bekasi.