JAKARTA (April 15th 2020) - In order to accelerate the realization of the budget in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat held a video conference with 55 participants who were the heads of Balai and representatives of the secretariat and directorates within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

Harry said that based on the Ministry of Finance Regulation Number S-308 / PB / 2020 concerning Affirmation of Costs / Expenditures that can be charged to the DIPA of the Satker in the Emergency Period of COVID-19 so that some hall activities are good for coordination with the Social Services Agency, Police, Correctional Institutions (LAPAS), and other partner institutions that have been conducted face-to-face can be conducted by video conference. Including social workers, social counselors, psychiatrists and others who will carry out social guidance and counseling can be done by video conference with notes attaching documentary evidence, video conference material recordings, attendance list and completed with Harry's letter of invitation and assignment letter.

"For centers that carry out data validation activities or still require direct service in the field, officers use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as field officers instead of PPE for medical officers," said Harry.

For now, if the Balai has not been able to recruit new Beneficiaries (PMs), there is no need to force it and for PMs who have not been repatriated to get further services at the center.

Based on data from the Alumni Association of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Indonesia, it is estimated that the National Emergency Response situation will be at the end of May 2020, and recovery in June and July 2020 so that the beginning of August can return to normal. That is if the community is disciplined in following health protocols. If not, it is predicted that the impact of COVID-19 can be prolonged. For this reason, all centers identify activities that cannot be carried out in a situation like this, revise the budget and divert it for basic social needs or cash assistance and can be managed by the center according to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, said Harry.

At the end of the video conference, Harry also said that all Balai should use the Cash Management System (CMS), which is the payment of honoraria using the transfer system. This is to facilitate financial transactions and socialize a cashless system at the government level with accountable evidence and facilitate administration in the COVID-19 situation.