JAKARTA (April 28th 2020) – The Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, leads a collaboration meeting about assistance for Children Against the Law (ABH) in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic with participants from various cross-sectoral Ministries/Institutions. The meeting was attended by Indonesian Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Culture, BAPPENAS, BAPAS, LPKA Tangerang, LPA Tangerang, BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" Makassar, Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos) and Directorate of Child Social Care.

The meeting also presented the initiators of Child Criminal Justice System (SPPA) Law, Prof.Harkristuti Harkrisnowo and Mochamad Ihsan as legal practitioners. In her explanation, Harkristuti said that in the future as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, problem of children may fall into extreme poverty because many parents do not work.  "Therefore, collaboration from all parties is needed to prevent and handle COVID-19 in children," said Harkristuti.

On the other hand, Ihsan highlighted the situation of ABH in COVID-19 pandemic including number of children who received assimilation, children of victims and children of witnesses in legal proceedings, situation of children at home and in community.  "Regarding children of victims and children of witnesses, there needs to be a circular letter from the Ministry of Social Affairs for investigators. Maximize ABH Working Group to support services during the pandemic," Ihsan explained.

In particular, this meeting discussed services for ABH during COVID-19 pandemic, mainly following up on Decree of Minister of Law and Human Rights regarding the release of prisoners and children through assimilation and integration. Assimilation is a process of fostering prisoners and children which is carried out by integrating prisoners in community life.Meanwhile, integration is in form of a coaching program to integrate prisoners and children into community life after fulfilling predetermined requirements.  Both programs really need assistance from Social Worker Service Unit and the Social Service.

"ABH's social rehabilitation service follows up on Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the form of a policy of providing support for children expelled from Child Special Development Institution (LPKA) and support for children in Social Welfare Organizing Institutions (LPKS)," said Kanya. The Office of Social Affairs can provide support for children who are expelled from LPKA based on notifications or requests from Head of LPKA and Corrections Center.  Whereas LPKS in COVID-19 pandemic did not allow visits from outside, but parents can still communicate with children via video conferencing.

The Directorate General of Correctional Law and Human Rights said that LPKA is an environment that less supportive in realizing children's rights to health protection. "We have collaborated with local government in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic in process of assimilation and integration related to services for approximately 35 thousand expelled children," said Tatan.

Ade from Ministry of Law and Human Rights added, "We coordinate with Community Guidance (PK) of Bapas and Ministry of Social Affairs in carrying out supervision and guidance at home until the child is returned to LPKA."

In terms of education, Ministry of Education and Culture mentions that most of ABH ages are in junior high and high school levels. "We hope that children who leave LPKA can take partlearning at home under the guidance of their parents. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has said that they have Guidelines for Mental Health Guidelines, although not specifically for children in institutions / orphanages. Regarding online trials, the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office hopes that victims should be accompanied by PK.  or social worker. "

In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, Makassar Children's Social Rehabilitation Center Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Toddopuli" issued four policies: first, children whose social rehabilitation period ended during pandemic were returned to their families;  second, children who are still in social rehabilitation are decided to return them to their family with monitoring of social worker; third, Children whose deposit ends but there is no certainty that care period will be returned to the safekeeper; fourth, children who leave without permission are decided bychild to remain at the location under monitoring.

"The big challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic requires strengthening and collaboration of roles of all ministries / agencies and it needs to be pursued in concrete actions," Kanya ordered at the end of the meeting.