BOGOR (May 23, 2022) - To commemorate HLUN (National Elderly Day) 2022,
the Galih Pakuan Center Bogor held a blood donation activity which was attended
by participants from various elements, namely HR and Beneficiaries of the Galih
Pakuan Center, students, and communities around the Center area. Of a total of 60
people who registered to be donors, 45 people were deemed eligible to donate
In her remarks, the Head of the Bogor Galih
Pakuan Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti, said that this blood donation activity was
one of a series of other activities to welcome the 2022 HLUN.
"Thank you to all parties involved in this activity, PMI Bogor Regency,
Radio Antar Penduduk Indonesia (RAPI) Bogor Regency, as well as all officers
and also participants who donated blood today. In addition to this activity, in
commemorating HLUN, the Galih Pakuan Center will also provide ATENSI services
to 299 elderly in Tasikmalaya, "said Sari.
On the same occasion, PMI Bogor Regency warmly
welcomed the blood donation activity carried out by the Galih Pakuan Center.
"We appreciate this activity because it helps us in providing
a stock of blood needs in Bogor Regency, which is around 250 bags every
month," said Suwariyatno one of the doctors from the Bogor Regency PMI