SAKRA (July 30, 2022) - "Learning to live independently is much better than not caring about other people's comments about him", such a piece of a sentence became the life principle of Bahrullah Hidayatullah.

Bahrullah spends his daily life at school and farm, working as a laborer to pay his school fees and help the family's needs. After the death of his father two years ago due to illness, now Bahrullah lives with his mother and an older sister who is currently in high school.

Bahrullah became one of the children who received the ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) aid package from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs from the South Sakra Hamlet, Telia Village, Sakra District. This 13-year-old child felt proud and did not expect to receive a package of assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs because he has never received assistance from the government.

By getting an aid package i.e school supplies and assistance with nutrition and vitamins, as well as a personal hygiene assistance package from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Bahrullah became more enthusiastic and eager about completing his school education, where currently Bahrullah is a second-grade student at Madrasah Tsanawiah, Sakra District. Lombok Timur Regency.

Being an orphan did not dampen Bahrullah's spirit of life. Although the distance to school from Bahrullah's house is quite far, which is about + 2 km, he is still enthusiastic about walking from home to school, all of which is done to realize his dream of becoming a Policeman of the Republic of Indonesia who will be able to uphold justice and be able to give comfort to the citizens.

On the sidelines of his free time after school and on holidays, Bahrullah often accepts invitations from his friends to become farm laborers. The income he gets sometimes varies, which is between IDR 30,000 - 50,000 a day. The wage he gave to his mother for school fees and the necessities of life for his family.

When met at the moment of distributing the ATENSI package assistance in Sakra District, Lombok Timur, Bahrullah whose his mother accompanied hoped that in the future he would be able to get an education scholarship package. In addition, Bahrullah has big dreams that one day he can send his mother to Umrah and go on Hajj.