KARO (24 June 2021) - Social Rehabilitation Assistance Service (ATENSI) for Persons with Disabilities is a program of the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. ATENSI is a social rehabilitation service integrated with other programs using a family-based, community-based, and/or residential approach.


The ATENSI service for people with intellectual disabilities through the Ministry of Social's Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), the "Kartini" Social Rehabilitation Center in Temanggung, is carried out in North Sumatra, located at the Alpha Omega Social Welfare Institution (LKS) Kabanjahe Karo Regency.


Member of Commission VIII DPR RI, Rudi Hartono Bangun was present at the handover of the ATENSII Aid and urge the local and the central governments to work together in realizing the welfare of the community. "We need input from the regional government and community representatives regarding the needs of the community, especially the less fortunate to the performance of the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Rudi at the opening of the event.


"Regarding social assistance data throughout Indonesia, there will be checks and re-checks as well as verification of recipient data, so if there are still able-bodied people who enter the social assistance data, they will be deleted or discarded," he said. Commission VIII of the DPR RI really hopes that the cooperation of regional apparatus, sub-district heads, village heads, and heads of RT/RW will provide appropriate data and according to criteria," he continued.


The Deputy Regent of Karo Regency, Theopilus Ginting, expressed his gratitude for the Ministry of Social's programs in his area. "We are very grateful for the various Ministry of Social programs. Today, we received Ministry of Social Affairs assistance in the form of working capital assistance, and this is very useful and beneficial for developing the potential that exists in persons with disabilities as beneficiaries in LKS Alpha Omega," said Theopilus.


On this occasion, the Head of "Kartini" Center in Temanggung explained the number and types of ATENSI services carried out in North Sumatra Province. "The Ministry of Social Affairs assists following the current program, namely the ATENSI Service. First, the Alpha Omega Kabanjahe Social Welfare Institution (LKS) in Karo Regency in the form of business capital for 30 people with an assistance value of Rp. 107.413.000,” said Wena.


"Second, family-based ATENSI services through strengthening families of people with intellectual disabilities in Humbang Hasundutan Regency for 20 people in the form of business capital assistance of Rp. 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Rupiah); third, assessment of 50 people with intellectual disabilities who apply for business capital assistance through family-based ATENSI Service program," explained Wena.

Furthermore, Wena said that the Ministry of Social's ATENSI Service was carried out through activities to support the fulfillment of a decent living, social care and/or child care, family support, physical therapy, psychosocial therapy, mental spiritual therapy, vocational training, and entrepreneurship development, social assistance and aid, and accessibility support.

"The beneficiaries of LKS Alpha Omega in Karo Regency, apart from ATENSI Assistance, are also home care services, mentoring, therapy for persons with disabilities at home. Therapy is carried out by the therapist from the Center which aims to see if the disabled person can still walk and return to activities in the future," he continued.

It is hoped that with the ATENSI Service, persons with disabilities will have a business so that they are able to live independently with their income without depending on their families and communities and even participate in development.